Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica

Canadian EmbassyThe Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica is located in the city of San José The contact details for the Embassy has been listed below with a map and contact details. Ensure that you call the Embassy before you visit to ensure that they are open. If you need consular assistance or a notary then you can contact the embassy as listed below.

You will note that the address of the Embassy had changed as this was updated in 2022. The other contact details has remained the same. Costa Rica has always been a tourist resort destination  and for this reason you might need the consular assistance of the staff at the Embassy. Below we will details some of the most common issues in the country.

The Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica

Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica300shadow

Should you be in Costa Rica and lose your passport you will need assistance in getting back home to Canada. Firstly you will need to contact the police in Costa Rica and they will need to provide you with a police case number for having reported a stolen or lost passport. This case number you will need at the Embassy. Once you are at the Embassy they will need you to complete the needed forms and then want the criminal case number from the police you had been given. The Embassy will then arrange a temporary travel document for you to go home. The alternative might be to wait for a permanent passport.

Consular Assistance 

Getting married in Costa Rica will require you to have a letter from the Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica to state that you are single. This letter of no-impediment or the freedom to marry letter will allow you to get married. It works like this everywhere. Once they give you the letter normally they will require you have have the letter certified to show that it is authentic. Once done you can use the letter to register your marriage in Costa Rica. You can then use this marriage certificate to take you spouse back to Canada. This is normally using the spouse visa or the partner visa.

If you are a Costa Rican then see what the requirements are for visiting Canada or studying in Canada. See also the Canadian Embassy in Mexico as well as the article on Canadian Consular Services.


Street Address:La Sabana Executive Business Centre, Building No. 5, 3rd Floor, behind the Contraloría General de la República, San José, Costa Rica
Postal Address:P.O. Box 351-1007, San José, Costa Rica
Telephone:(506) 2242-4400
Fax:(506) 2242-4410 - Administration, Assistance to Canadians (Consular), Public Affairs
Operating Hours:Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm only
Assistance to Canadian Citizens:Telephone: (506) 2242-4400
Fax (Consular and passports): (506) 2242-4410


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